
Xi Jinping: ‘Crossing a threshold to outright dictatorship?’'

The view from inside China appears to be quite different. Yes, the Chinese people may grumble about the Zero-COVID lockdowns, and just a few days a banner critical of Mr. Xi and his regime was unveiled over an overpass in Beijing.

Malcolm Riddell



October 18, 2022
Xi Jinping: ‘Crossing a threshold to outright dictatorship?’'
Xi Jinping: ‘Chairman of Everything’

The Chinese Communist Party’s 20th National Congress which began on Sunday is a pretty ho-hum affair.

  • We already know Xi Jinping will emerge from the Congress with even greater power, no discernible opposition, and a new five-year term (with another likely to follow).
  • And, based on his nearly two-hour speech at the opening, we’ve learned that Mr. Xi doesn’t intend to change course.

These are good news both from the perspective of China hawks and of the Chinese people – just for different reasons.

  • And they reflect Mr. Xi's transformation from ' “Uncle Xi” to stern Communist monarch.'

1 | Crossing a threshold into outright dictatorship

If you are a China hawk, Mr. Xi’s staying in power and staying the course are good things.

  • Mr. Xi – for reasons both explicable and inexplicable – has pursued policies and actions that have often left China weaker and more isolated.
  • For China hawks, whatever weakens China weakens Mr. Xi’s capabilities to project his will.

As CSIS’s Jude Blanchette writes in ‘Party of One: The CCP Congress and Xi Jinping’s Quest to Control China’ in Foreign Affairs:‘The reactive, shortsighted, and often incoherent set of policies that Xi has promoted over the past five years intended to achieve his global ambitions and confront the country’s innumerable challenges have placed China on a worrying path of:’

  • ‘anemic economic growth,’
  • ‘declining global prestige, and’
  • ‘rising domestic repression.’

‘Chinese President Xi Jinping’s unprecedented third term as general secretary will drag the CCP back to the pathologies of the Mao era and simultaneously push it toward a future of:’

  • ‘low growth,’
  • ‘heightened geopolitical tension, and’
  • ‘profound uncertainty.’

‘Rather than a moment of course correction, the 20th Party Congress sees the CCP—a regime that has long enjoyed a reputation of competence, pragmatism, and predictability—cross a threshold into outright dictatorship.’‘And, with it, a likely future of:’

  • ‘political ossification,’
  • ‘policy uncertainty, and’
  • ‘the ruinous effects of one-man rule.’

From this litany of woes, two of Mr. Blanchette’s comments are worth highlighting.First, the Chinese Communist Party haslong enjoyed a reputation of competence, pragmatism, and predictability.’

  • But no more.

For years, before Mr. Xi, whenever I would be asked about headlines of some crisis in China that portended its fall, I would counsel:

  • Be patient. There are a lot of smart people working to solve this – and their track record is pretty good.
  • Today, not so much.

Any solution now has to be in line with ‘Xi Jinping Thought.’

  • So the scope of debate about the solutions to any problem have narrowed dramatically.

Any solution to a serious problem now is subject to Mr. Xi’s sole decision.

  • Unlike the competent technocrats of the past, Mr. Xi’s track record, as Mr. Blanchette has described, is far from good.

Second, ‘the CCP is cross[ing] a threshold into outright dictatorship.’

  • Given the foregoing, this is worrisome enough in itself.

But, as Susan Shirk, chair of the 21st Century China Center at UC San Diego, notes in her NYT op-ed, ‘Xi Jinping Has Fallen Into the Dictator Trap’:

  • Mr. Xi ‘has concentrated more power in his hands than any Chinese leader since Mao Zedong, looming so completely over the country that he’s been called the “chairman of everything.”

‘Mr. Xi fell into the same trap that has ensnared dictators throughout history:

  • ‘He overreached.’
  • And ‘the costs of his overreach are piling up.’

Goodnews for China hawks.

2 | ‘With Xi, we will become powerful’

The view from inside China appears to be quite different.

  • Yes, the Chinese people may grumble about the Zero-COVID lockdowns, and just a few days a banner critical of Mr. Xi and his regime was unveiled over an overpass in Beijing.

But, as one author has pointed out, the Chinese people are better off as a whole than at any time in Chinese history, and they know it.

  • Or, as Harvard Kennedy School’s Tony Saich puts it: ‘We tend to forget that for many in China, and in their lived experience of the past four decades, each day was better than the next.’
  • This is reflected in the 2020 Harvard Kennedy School report, ‘Understanding CCP Resilience: Surveying Chinese Public Opinion Through Time,’ which found that more than 95% of the Chinese people are “relatively satisfied” or “highly satisfied” with the central government in Beijing.

And the Chinese people seem supportive of Mr. Xi’s tough stance on issues like Xijiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

  • They are likewise supportive of Mr. Xi’s unleashing ‘wolf warriors’ on governments that ‘interfere with China’s 'internal affairs’ on these and other issues.

InWill China’s strongman become even stronger?’, a recent video discussion, Cheng Li of Brookings pointed out:

  • ‘We hear a lot of negative things – criticism - about Xi Jinping overseas.’

‘But we should put ourselves in the Chinese perspective.’

  • ‘In my observation, he is popular among the Chinese public for a number of reasons. Here are a few.’

‘The first is poverty elimination.’

  • ‘A World Bank report said 800 million Chinese got rid of poverty over the past 40 some years.’

‘Of course, Xi Jinping was not the leader from the start date - Deng Xiaoping started the process.’

  • ‘But Xi Jinping was the leader to complete it - particularly the most difficult period - with tremendous resources.’
  • ‘This resonates well among the Chinese public, as does his "common prosperity" initiative.’

‘Number two is the environment and green development.’

  • ‘When Xi Jinping came to power, six of the 20 most polluted cities in the world were located in China.’

‘About 10 years ago, when you arrived in China, you’d see the pollution in major cities – but things have changed dramatically.’

  • ‘Now, only three, maybe even fewer, of the world’s most polluted cities are in China - 15 or more are now in India.’
  • ‘That's dramatic change within a decade under Xi Jinping.’

Number three is military reform. Very quickly, three components.’

  1. ‘Xi Jinping transformed China’s People’s Liberation Army – the PLA - from the Russian model with its heavy emphasis on ground forces to an American model which emphasizes joint operations.’
  2. ‘He himself now has direct control over service forces and the operational theaters. Previously, these were run by committees or departments.’
  3. ‘He changed the military leadership, promoting many young officers, who are loyal to him and under his control alone.’

‘Number three and probably most important, Xi Jinping saved the Chinese Communist Party.’

  • ‘Remember 10 years ago, the Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang, and other scandals.’

‘People at that time - including myself - thought the Communist Party’s days were numbered.’

  • ‘But all of sudden, Xi Jinping, through the anti-corruption campaign and the things I just mentioned changed the Party.’

‘Just to give you one example, 10 years ago, very few college students were interested in joining the Chinese Communist Party. What was the point?’

  • ‘People told them: "You should go into business. You go abroad." And so on.’

‘But 10 years later, there's a high percentage of students in China’s elite schools – Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, you name it – who are joining the Party.’

  • ‘Now, this does not necessarily mean they believe in communism.’
  • ‘But it does show they believe the Communist Party will be with them for a long time to come.’

‘These are just a few of the reasons for his popularity among the Chinese people.'

  • ‘So Xi Jinping may feel that he has some political capital to spend, rightly or wrongly, at this moment.’

Listening to Dr. Cheng reminded me of an expression common in China:

  • ‘With Mao, we stood up;
  • ‘With Deng, we became rich;
  • ‘With Xi, we will become powerful.’

Whether you chalk this sort of thinking – and the support of Mr. Xi - up to indoctrination, propaganda, or actual national pride, it means that where we see cracks in Mr. Xi and his rule, a lot of the Chinese people see a leader they love or at least respect and have confidence in.

  • And as long as he has the people behind him, don’t expect Uncle Xi to take a new direction any time soon.

That said, throughout history, popular leaders/autocrats/dictators (pick your appellation for Mr. Xi) have nonetheless taken their peoples down the paths to downfall and even destruction.

  • So, as Mr. Xi exits the Party Congress, both the China hawks and the Chinese people could both end up being right.

3 | From Uncle Xi to stern Communist monarch

Having considered the foreign view of Xi Jinping and the view of the Chinese people, let’s look at Mr. Xi himself.

‘In his first years as China’s leader, Xi Jinping paid for his own steamed dumplings in a cheap diner, casually rolled up his trouser legs to avoid splashes in the rain, and was serenaded with sugary pop tunes.’

  • ‘His image-makers cast him as “Xi Dada,” the people’s firm but genial “Uncle Xi.”

‘How vastly different now.’

  • ‘A decade on, Mr. Xi looms over the country like a stern Communist monarch, reflecting on China’s fallen ancient dynasties and determined to win its lasting ascendancy in a turbulent world.’

‘Chinese officials praise his speeches like hallowed texts, professing loyalty with a fervor that sometimes echoes Mao Zedong’s era.’

‘Mr. Xi, 69, presents himself as the history-steeped guardian of China’s destiny.’

  • ‘He cites the toppling of China’s ancient empires, determined to ensure that it does not again fall prey to political decay, revolt or foreign aggression.’
  • ‘He quotes advice to emperors on ensuring obedience, “like the arm commands the finger.” ’
  • ‘He has taken to using a grand, ancient-sounding Chinese motto, guo zhi da zhe: roughly meaning “the nation’s great cause.” It sounds like it could have been passed down from a sage; in fact, Mr. Xi or his advisers minted it in 2020.’
  • ‘ “Xi Jinping wants to show that he isn’t just a party leader but also almost a spiritual seer for China — a bold, visionary statesman,” said Feng Chongyi of the University of Technology Sydney.’

‘In Mr. Xi’s worldview, the party is the custodian of traditional Chinese hierarchy and discipline, set against the dysfunction of democracies.’

  • ‘ “He sees his historical role as breaking the historical cycle of dynastic rise and fall so the Communist Party remains in power pretty much forever,” said Neil Thomas of the Eurasia Group.’

‘He argues that the party’s centralized power can mobilize China to accomplish feats beyond the grasp of Western countries, like cutting rural poverty, leaping into new technologies, or — so it seemed for a while — efficiently halting the spread of Covid.’

  • ‘ “We must demonstrate the clear superiority of our country’s socialist system in being able to concentrate forces to achieve big feats,” Mr. Xi said at a meeting on technological innovation last month.’
  • ‘ “The superiority of our political system and system of governance is even more blazingly clear in its response to the Covid pandemic and winning the war on poverty,” Mr. Xi said in March.’
  • ‘ “The contrast between Chinese order and Western chaos has become even sharper.” ’

‘Mr. Xi is already looking well beyond the next five years, trying to build a lasting edifice of power and policies.’

  • ‘He is fleshing out his own creed and promoting cohorts of younger protégés, technocrats and military commanders who may advance his influence for decades.’

‘As the Party congress neared, senior Chinese officials garlanded Mr. Xi, the “core” leader, in vows of utter loyalty.’

  • ‘ “Embrace the core with a sincere heart,” said one.’
  • ‘ “At all times and in all circumstances, trust the core, be loyal to the core, defend the core,” said another.’

Is this a case of Xi Jinping's believing his own press rather than acknowledging the realities in China and the world?

  • No. This is who Mr. Xi believes he is: A man of destiny, confident in his judgment and certain of his success.

And woe to anyone who opposes him.



April 2, 2023
Xi Jinping: 'Change unseen for a 100 years is coming.'
Time went of joint in the mid-1800s when China began its ‘Century of Humiliation.’ And Mr. Xi, with a sense of destiny, seems to feel he was born to set it right. (I very much doubt that Mr. Xi would add: ‘O cursed spite’ – he seems to relish his role and the shot it gives him to go down in history as China’s greatest ruler.)
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January 2, 2023
Xi Jinping: Bad Emperor?
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November 22, 2022
'Strangling with an intent to kill.’
I began to have some hope of getting our act together with Mr. Biden. He worked to rebuild relations with allies who could join the U.S. in the competition. And he understood the need for America to strengthen itself for competition. Hence, the infrastructure, CHIPS, and other acts. But whether Mr. Trump or Mr. Biden, one thing nagged me beyond all the rest. Why is America strengthening our competitor? — In the instant case: Why is America giving our competitor advanced semiconductor resources to strengthen itself to compete against us?
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March 11, 2021
China, Ai, & the Coming U.S. Industrial Policy
‘The government will have to orchestrate policies to promote innovation; protect industries and sectors critical to national security; recruit and train talent; incentivize domestic research, development, and production across a range of technologies deemed essential for national security and economic prosperity; and marshal coalitions of allies and partners to support democratic norms.'
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'Why Biden Should Ditch Trump’s China Tariffs'
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Then There are Semiconductors
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For Industrial Policy: National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan
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March 10, 2021
'China Crackdown on Hong Kong'
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March 9, 2021
'Neither China nor the US fits neatly into any one box’ Yuen Yuen Ang
‘Binary narratives lie behind the common misconception that China’s economic success has vindicated autocracy. (The simplistic logic is that if China is not a democracy, it must be an autocracy, and when it prospers, that prosperity must be because of its autocracy). For liberal democracies, this raises the fear that the “China model” poses an ideological challenge to democracy.’
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‘ “International relations scholars,” the political scientist Daniel Drezner has written, “are certain about two facts:'
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How the WTO Changed China
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March 7, 2021
With growth on track, China starts to unwind stimulus
‘China was the first country to open its lending and spending taps in the face of the coronavirus downturn. Now, it is the first to start to close them, giving others a partial preview at the National People’s Congressof what the end of stimulus will look like. The most notable aspect is its gradualism.’
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March 6, 2021
'Taper test - With growth on track, China starts to unwind stimulus'
‘China was the first country to open its lending and spending taps in the face of the coronavirus downturn. Now, it is the first to start to close them, giving others a partial preview at the National People’s Congressof what the end of stimulus will look like. The most notable aspect is its gradualism.’
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March 5, 2021
Nursing China’s Debt Hangover
‘China official target of 6% annual economic growth, announced Friday, is so modest it’s clear something else is going on. A plausible theory is that this is part of a strategy to rein in debt.’
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March 4, 2021
China & the U.S.: Getting Each Other Wrong
China and the U.S. seem to be in the process of reassessing their views of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Xi Jinping appears to be seeking some balance in his assessment of the U.S. And analysts in the U.S. have reversed a trend of opinion that ‘China is inexorably rising and on the verge of overtaking a faltering United States.' They argue instead ‘the United States has good reason to be confident about its ability to compete with China.’
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March 4, 2021
'NATO's Shifting Focus to China'
‘Consider, for example, a war escalating over the defense of Taiwan. “We should not forget that the main member state in NATO, the United States, is not only a transatlantic nation, but also a Pacific nation. And the question is, if at a certain stage, the U.S. were to be threatened by China, would that invoke Article 5 in the treaty?"'
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March 3, 2021
Missing: Has anyone seen Europe’s China plan?
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February 28, 2021
Why Beijing was right to rein in Jack Ma's rogue Ant Group IPO
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The rivalry between America and China will hinge on South-East Asia
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February 26, 2021
'Inside Xinjiang’s Prison State'
‘After years of first denying the facilities’ existence, then claiming that they had closed, Chinese officials now say the camps are “vocational education and training centers,” necessary to rooting out “extreme thoughts” and no different from correctional facilities in the United States or deradicalization centers in France.’
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February 24, 2021
Japan Is the New Leader of Asia’s Liberal Order
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February 23, 2021
‘Patriots’ Only: Beijing Plans Overhaul of Hong Kong’s Elections
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February 23, 2021
HSBC offers lesson in corporate realpolitik
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February 23, 2021
Germany Is a Flashpoint in the U.S.-China Cold War
'As goes Germany, so goes Europe — and that’s a real challenge for the U.S. Berlin leads a European bloc that could cast a geopolitical swing vote in the U.S.-China rivalry.’
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February 22, 2021
Remaking “Made in China”: Beijing’s Industrial Internet Ambitions
‘The Chinese government is placing large bureaucratic and financial bets on upgrading and digitizing its already dominant manufacturing base. Such efforts have coalesced around one key term: the “industrial internet” (工业互联网). The successful application of it across Chinese industry would prolong and elevate the “Made in China” era.’
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February 22, 2021
How American Free Trade Can Outdo China
‘When it comes to trade, a critical dimension of the U.S. and China competition, America is ceding the field. At the same time, China has expanded its trade footprint. When it comes to trade and investment agreements, China isn’t isolated. The U.S. increasingly is. Now we have to make up for lost ground. America can out-compete China, but first it needs to get back in the game.’
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February 21, 2021
China’s ‘two sessions’: why this year’s event is so important for Xi Jinping’s vision for the future
‘The ‘Two Sessions,’ the annual meeting of the National People’s Congress, the country’s legislature, and the top political advisory body, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, begins on March 5 and runs for about two weeks.’
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February 20, 2021
‘The Future of China’s Past: Rising China’s Next Act'
‘By the Party’s own acknowledgment, Deng’s initial arrangement has run its course. It is therefore time to develop a new understanding that will do for the Party in the next 30 years what Deng’s program did in the previous era.'
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February 20, 2021
‘UNDERSTANDING DECOUPLING: Macro Trends and Industry Impacts’
‘Comprehensive decoupling is no longer viewed as impossible: if the current trajectory of U.S. decoupling policies continues, a complete rupture would in fact be the most likely outcome. This prospect remains entirely plausible under the Biden administration.’
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February 20, 2021
‘Europe can’t stay neutral in US-China standoff’
‘China aims to create a world that is not safe for Europe — strategically, economically or ideologically. Xi is actively striving to undermine the stature of democracies in the global order. The more power China amasses, the less tolerant it will become with any government that won’t toe its line. China also represents a long-term economic threat to Europe — not merely because it is an advancing competitor in a global market economy, but because Beijing’s policies are designed to use and abuse that open world economy to eventually dominate it.
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February 20, 2021
‘Beat China: Targeted Decoupling and the Economic Long War'
‘The economy is the primary theater of our conflict with China. It is now clear that the U.S. and Chinese economies are too entangled, particularly in critical sectors such as medicine, defense, and technology.'
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February 19, 2021
‘No, China is not the EU’s top trading partner'
‘This week the media seized on a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical agency, to declare that China surpassed the United States in 2020 to become the EU’s main trade partner. This is simply not true.’
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February 18, 2021
‘China faces fateful choices, especially involving Taiwan’
'Should Mr Xi order the People’s Liberation Army to take Taiwan, his decision will be shaped by one judgment above all: whether America can stop him. If China ever believes it can complete the task at a bearable cost, it will act.’ ‘
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February 18, 2021
'An Unsentimental China Policy'
'Jake Sullivan, wrote in Foreign Affairs in 2019, “The era of engagement with China has come to an unceremonious close.”Yet it is worth remembering what engaging China was all about.’ For most of the past half century, efforts to improve ties with the country were not about transforming it. Judged by its own standards, U.S. engagement with China succeeded. It was only after the Cold War that a desire to change China became a prominent objective of U.S. policy.’
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