
‘Is Xi Coup-proof?’ (after the march on Moscow, I have to ask)

What about the guys without guns? So if Mr. Xi doesn’t face a rogue army or a military coup… How about a coup by Party elites?

Malcolm Riddell



July 10, 2023
‘Is Xi Coup-proof?’ (after the march on Moscow, I have to ask)

On Saturday morning, June 24, a friend called and asked: ‘Have you seen the news?’

  • I said no, and he said, ‘Well, get on the TV.’

What I saw there was of course the Wagner Group marching on Moscow.

  • Then, the fizzle.

Can’t imagine that when Xi Jinping first heard of the Wagner Group’s march, he didn’t think:

  • Do I have any Prigozhins around me?

And no doubt just as fast as the question came into his head, so did the answer:

  • No.

Unlike Mr. Putin, Mr. Xi has absorbed the first principle for successful autocrats:

  • Don’t set up an independent army outside your control.
  • (That’s also a lesson from China’s Warlord Era a century ago that I cover in the last section - don't miss it, really interesting.)

Still, the march on Moscow was a surprise.

  • And this led me to look again at how likely such a surprise against Mr. Xi might be.

I had to ask:

  • Is Mr. Xi coup-proof?

1 | False alarm

The Wagner march reminded me that about a year ago, rumors abounded that Xi Jinping had fallen from a military coup. As Newsweek reported:

  • ‘Chinese President Xi Jinping became one of the top trending topics on Twitter amid unsubstantiated reports he is under house arrest and that China is in the midst of a military coup.’ 
  • ‘Xi and the phrase #ChinaCoup trended on social media after tens of thousands of users spread unconfirmed rumors that the president was detained and overthrown by the China's People's Liberation Army.’

Being without basis, this fizzled faster than the march on Moscow.

  • But the march also reminded me that Mr. Xi and other senior cadre have themselves reported concerns about ‘plots’ and ‘traitors.’

2 | Sic semper tyrannis

‘Plots to overthrow Xi and his administration are not the product of fevered imaginations but rather have been widely spoken of by senior Chinese officials, including Xi Jinping himself,’ wrote Richard McGregor and Jude Blanchette in 2021.

  • ‘Many date back to the early months of 2012, underlining Xi’s belief that rivals wanted to prevent him from taking over leadership of the CCP later that year.’
  • ‘Others are vague and amorphous accusations of unnamed “plots” by anonymous “traitors” that are likely levelled to justify Xi’s shakeup of the party bureaucracy and his wide-reaching intra-party discipline campaigns.’

Real or justifications, an autocrat always has to watch his back.

  • As an expert, when commenting on President Biden’s calling Mr. Xi a dictator, wrote on a China forum:

‘Dictators for life probably have a hard time buying life insurance.’

  • ‘If they do not cultivate a successor and make it clear they’ll relinquish power gracefully, they’ll end up “eliminated with extreme prejudice” as the mob used to say.’
  • ‘I’m talking to you, PUTINHEAD, Emperor Xi, and fat guy in North Korea.’

Sic semper tyrannis.

3 | What keeps an autocrat up at night?

‘If you are an autocrat, who do you have to fear? Like, what keeps you up at night?'

‘In the popular imagination, what an autocrat has to fear is unrest.’

  • ‘He has to fear protestors in the street, storming the gates and taking him down.’

‘Generally though, what has led to the unconstitutional exit of authoritarian leaders from office isn't mass protest, isn't mass uprising.’

  • ‘Instead, it's coups; it's other elites taking down the leader. And that's really what autocrats have to worry about.’

'And who launches coups that are successful nine out of 10 times?’

  • ‘The military.’

‘So if you're an autocrat, what you really have to be nervous about is:’

  • ‘What's the military doing, and is the military coming after me?’

4 | Xi’s military-coup-proofing

‘You can't completely rule out a military coup against Xi,’ says Dr. Mattingly,

  • ‘with this caveat:’

‘I do think that Xi's done enough to make it really hard to launch a successful military coup against him,'

  • ‘Between promoting people who are loyal to him and promoting left-behind officers who aren't well connected to other civilian elites and other military elites, he's done enough on the military side to make it hard to get military buy-in for a coup to occur.'

‘And there are a number of other factors that push against it.'

  • ‘Number one is a real sense of unity and national force that Xi Jinping has effectively stoked by first painting the United States as a threat to China.'
  • ‘Number two is the rhetoric about the role of the Party as an important force in China's very revival.'
  • ‘Number three is Xi's laser focus on making sure the military is loyal.'

5 | ‘The guys with the guns’

Until a few years ago, I would have said that, like Xi’s regime, the American presidency was immune from a coup.

  • Now we know it can be touch & go.

In the ‘60s, I encountered ‘Seven Days in May,’ both as a novel and a movie.

  • The plot: The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is thwarted from staging a coup to overthrow the President and take power.

In 2020, this played out, but sort of in reverse.

  • The plot: The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff vowed to thwart a defeated American president from using the U.S. military to stay in power.

Re 2020, Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker report in ‘I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year’:

  • ‘As Trump ceaselessly pushed false claims about the 2020 presidential election, Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, grew more and more nervous, telling aides he feared that the president and his acolytes might attempt to use the military to stay in office.’
  • ‘They're not going to F'ing succeed,’ Milley said. ‘You can't do this without the military. You can't do this without the CIA and the FBI.’
  • ‘We're the guys with the guns.’

That you can’t do it without the guys with the guns is something both Mao and Mr. Xi get:

  • Mao: ‘Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party.’ Mao Zedong, Problems of War and Strategy, November 1938
  • Xi: ‘The party must command the gun…. We [will] enhance the political loyalty of the armed forces [and] strengthen them through the training of competent personnel.’ Xi Jinping, Speech on the CCP’s 100th Anniversary, July 2022

But there is one big difference here:

  • In the U.S., the guys with the guns swear allegiance to the American Constitution (thank you, General Milley).
  • In China, to the Chinese Communist Party.

6 | ‘The Party commands the gun.’

But it’s more than the Party controlling the PLA.

  • The PLA is charged with guaranteeing the continued rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The CCP oversees the PLA through its Central Military Commission.

  • To ensure Party control, the General Secretary of the CCP concurrently serves as the Chairman of the Central Military Commission.

‘Soon after coming to power, President Xi Jinping made sure that the PLA was firmly under the Party’s control by purging numerous generals,’ notes Oxford's Rana Mitter.

  • ‘As they follow coverage of Putin having to admit that a major Russian city was occupied by a rival army, the Chinese Politburo will have no doubts that their ruthlessness in military matters has paid off.’

7 | 'Proficiency in battle ranks fourth'

In ‘China’s military set-up is designed to foil any would-be Prigozhin,’ Charles Parton notes:

  • ‘The People’s Liberation Army is an explicitly political force — and the ultimate guarantor of the party’s hold on power.

‘The People’s Liberation Army is the Chinese Communist party’s army and not a national army.’

  • ‘ “Our principle is that the party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the party,” said Mao Zedong.’

‘Whatever Yevgeny Prigozhin was plotting in Russia last week — mutiny, insurrection, civil war — this level of military insurrection would never have been possible in China.’

  • ‘The idea that anyone outside the PLA and the People’s Armed Police might have the right to bear arms is anathema.’ 

‘Xi’s military reforms, listed in order of priority, consisted of:’

  1. ‘reinforcing ideological commitment to the party, ‘
  2. ‘recruiting and promoting the right people,’
  3. ‘the fight against corruption,’
  4. ‘proficiency in battle and political innovation.’

‘It is striking that the ability to fight wars ranked only in fourth place.’

  • ‘But this is no surprise, given that the PLA is the ultimate guarantor of the party’s hold on power (in Russia, by contrast, it has traditionally been Putin’s security services, rather than the army, who fulfil this role).’

‘Even at times of chaos, such as during the Cultural Revolution, the PLA, while restoring order, has never acted against the party.’

  • ‘It acquiesced as Mao removed its leader Lin Biao, just as it did when Deng Xiaoping and Xi removed top generals.’

‘If there were to be a severe leadership split which led to economic meltdown, the PLA might align with one or other political faction.’

  • ‘But at present there is only one faction in China and it is Xi’s.’

8 | What about the guys without guns?

So if Mr. Xi doesn’t face a rogue army or a military coup…

  • How about a coup by Party elites?

In ‘After Xi: Future Scenarios for Leadership Succession in Post-Xi Jinping Era,’ Richard McGregor and Jude Blanchette point out:

  • ‘It is true that Xi has a host of enemies in the party.’
  • But ‘the chances of a coup being mounted against Xi at the moment, absent a systemic crisis, are exceedingly small.’

‘It is equally true that the barriers to organising against him are near insurmountable.’

  • ‘Successfully organising a coup against an incumbent leader — especially one in a Leninist one-party state — is a daunting challenge.’

‘Given the technological capabilities of the CCP security services, which Xi controls, such an endeavour is fraught with the risk of detection and the possible defection from early plotters who change their mind.’

  • ‘Despite their enormous power, senior members of the CCP and the PLA lack the basic ability to move about and communicate unnoticed by Xi’s all-seeing security apparatus.’
  • ‘Xi’s increasing grip over domestic security services means that the communication between would-be challengers necessary for arranging logistical details would be next to impossible.’

9 | Afterword: ‘The Return of the Warlords’

If he didn’t get that lesson not to permit independent armies from the handbook for autocrats, Mr. Xi would have learned the lesson from Chinese history. As Oxford’s Rana Mitter notes in ‘The Return of the Warlords’:

  • ‘A hundred years ago, it was China, not Russia, that was split by “warlords” and weakened by chronic conflict between their private armies.'

In 1911, a revolution overthrew China’s last dynasty, the Ching.

  • And a republic was formed but didn’t last long.

‘China’s brief republican experiment was quickly overcome by a contest between military groups.’

  • ‘China was divided into regions ruled by local armies.
  • ‘The term “warlord” (junfa) was used pejoratively to describe their commanders.’

‘The effects of divided authority were obvious and grim.’

  • ‘No one ruler could lay claim to all of China, and military leaders were constantly forming alliances that fell apart amid internecine fighting.

This map gives an idea of the regions and the changes in territory during China’s Warlord Era. (Sorry for the poor quality, but it makes the point in general.)

‘Patriotic activists lamented that the danger confronting China had become twofold:

  • ‘imperialism from outside, warlordism from inside.’

‘In 1928, Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek established a government that nominally unified China.’

  • ‘Yet he spent much of the next ten years fighting rival military leaders as well as the Communists (forcing the latter on the famous Long March in 1934).’

‘In 1937, war broke out with Japan, and in some cases, warlords cut their own deals with the invaders, seeking to preserve their regional power.’ 

‘Once the Communists had won the Civil War in 1949, Mao moved to crush all possible alternative sources of power in China.’

  • ‘The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was established as the Party’s army, not the national army. That is still its status today.

‘The collective memory of the warlord period is one reason why China’s leaders are determined to keep military force firmly under the ruling Communist Party’s control.’

Hence, Mr. Xi isn’t in danger of a rogue army marching on Beijing.

  • Because there are no rogue armies in China.

And unlike the Russian army, the PLA stands loyally poised to fight any threat to Mr. Xi and the Party.



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Xi Jinping: ‘Crossing a threshold to outright dictatorship?’'
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October 10, 2022
The 20th Party Congress with All Eyes are on Xi Jinping
The attention to Mr. Xi is in large part because he will exit the Party Congress with even greater power, no discernible opposition, and a new five-year term (with more likely to follow). And many of the constraints that may have been in place not to jeopardize his reappointment will be gone.
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September 26, 2022
China Coup: How Worried Should Xi Be?
‘Xi and the phrase #ChinaCoup trended on social media after tens of thousands of users spread unconfirmed rumors that the president was detained and overthrown by the China's People's Liberation Army.’
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August 1, 2021
'Why China Is Cracking Down on Its Technology Giants'
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August 1, 2021
'The most significant philosophical shift since Deng'
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July 22, 2021
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July 22, 2021
Part 1 | 'Owning Chinese Companies Is Complicated'
‘ “Variable interest entities”(VIEs): The problem with this is that it sort of sounds like you’re kidding. But this is a standard method for mainland Chinese internet companies to go public, and the market has come to accept it.’
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July 22, 2021
Part 3 | Revising the Rules
‘The Chinese government could declare “all these VIE contracts are actually a disguised form of foreign ownership, which is not allowed by the rules, so they are all void and your Didi and Alibaba shares are worthless.” ’
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July 22, 2021
China: Signals Blinking Red & Oops, We Missed the Risks
I had intended to make this issue all about ‘Variable Interest Entities’ (VIEs) and the emerging risks to about $1.8 trillion dollars’ worth of Chinese shares listed on U.S. exchanges – that is, 4% of the capitalization of the U.S. stock markets.
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July 22, 2021
'Crackdown on US listings: Will China close $1.6tn VIE loophole?'
‘If Chinese authorities start to question “Variable interest entities”(VIEs), amid the crackdown that has already battered ride-hailing company Didi Global -- another VIE user -- the resulting loss of investor trust could send shock waves through global financial markets.’
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July 18, 2021
Why the U.S. Lacks Leverage over China
During the celebration of the Chinese Communist Party’s Centennial celebration, Mr. Xi stood in the same place on the balcony facing Tiananmen Square where Mao Zedong stood when he announced the founding of the PRC; Mr. Xi wore a gray Mao suit, among a sea of blue western suits; and he centered himself right above the portrait of Mao, who is similarly attired.
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July 18, 2021
'I will aim for Mao's Status.'
‘There on the gate was Xi Jinping, Chinese president and party general secretary, in a gray Mao suit. Just below his feet was the portrait of Mao Zedong, also dressed in a gray Mao suit.’
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July 18, 2021
'US warns companies of risk of doing business in Hong Kong'
“In the face of Beijing’s decisions over the past year that have stifled the democratic aspirations of people in Hong Kong, we are taking action,” said Antony Blinken, US secretary of state. “Today we send a clear message that the US resolutely stands with Hong Kongers.”
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July 18, 2021
'Biden’s Warning on Hong Kong'
‘The pretense of Chinese and Hong Kong authorities is that their crackdown on the rule of law and dissent will have no effect on Hong Kong’s viability as an international center for trade and finance.’
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July 18, 2021
'China Plans to Exempt H.K. IPOs From Cybersecurity Reviews'
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July 18, 2021
Hong Kong and the Limits of Decoupling
‘The United States’ inability to make China regret—much less reverse—its transgressions in Hong Kong suggests that financial separation, sanctions, and economic barriers are less reliable tools than many in Washington believe.’
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July 15, 2021
Part 1 | 'Joe Biden is determined that China should not displace America'
‘Biden’s emerging China strategy, while still protean, sounds of a kind with Mr Doshi’s prescription for “blunting and building”.’
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July 15, 2021
The Biden Doctrine and Its Discontents
President Biden has framed China as a threat both to the U.S. and the liberal world order.
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July 15, 2021
Part 2 | Joe Biden is determined that China should not displace America
‘Mr Biden’s aides invariably start any discussion of China strategy with the need to restore American greatness after decades of decline.’
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July 15, 2021
'What's Wrong with Biden’s new China doctrine'
‘Mr Biden’s aides invariably start any discussion of China strategy with the need to restore American greatness after decades of decline.’
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July 8, 2021
Didi: Xi Surprises Us Again
Beijing shocked the financial world when it pulled the rug out from under Didi days after its IPO on the New York Stock Exchange and also announced new regulations reigning in overseas IPOs and Chinese companies already listed.
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July 4, 2021
The Chinese Point of View
Here are a few of my thoughts on the importance of Wang Jisi’s ‘The Plot Against China.’ Yuen Yuen Ang’s ‘The Evolution of Chinese Corruption’ speaks for itself - but note especially how Mr. Xi's anti-corruption campaign could hurt China's economy. I have now lived long enough that when a friend complains about his or her spouse, I say to myself, ‘There are no doubt two sides to this story.’
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July 4, 2021
'How Corruption Powers China's Economy'
‘China has managed to sustain four decades of economic growth despite levels of corruption that even Xi has described as “grave” and “shocking.” Why does it seem to have bucked the trend?’
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July 4, 2021
'How Beijing Sees U.S.-China Relations'
‘In Chinese eyes, the most significant threat to China’s sovereignty and national security has long been U.S. interference in its internal affairs aimed at changing the country’s political system and undermining the CCP.’
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July 1, 2021
Five Themes that Point to Where the Chinese Communist Party & China are Heading
As the Chinese Communist Party begins its second century, it’s useful to identify enduring patterns that might aid us in understanding China today and the directions it might be heading.
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July 1, 2021
From Rebel to Ruler: One Hundred Years of the Chinese Communist Party by Tony Saich
‘In our discussions, you've identified five themes that have been more or less consistent throughout the history of the party but have oscillated between different points on a continuum:’
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July 1, 2021
'From Rebel to Ruler': Tony Saich on Chinese Communism at 100
‘At so many points during its century-long existence, the CCP appeared to be in its death throes, whether as a result of external attack or self-inflicted internal strife.’
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June 27, 2021
European Chamber in China: 'Business Confidence Survey'
A mere 9% of European companies are considering moving any current or planned investment out of China, the lowest level on record. Instead, companies are strengthening their positions in JVs, onshoring supply chains and increasing spending to secure market share. The ambition not only to stay but also to expand their China footprint is more than justcapital flooding in due to optimism about growth. Companies are taking action to secure their operations in China and mitigate exposure to geopolitical trends in order to have a better chance of navigating a future that looks to be fraught with risk, at least in the near- to medium-term.
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June 27, 2021
'How China & America Should Compete'
‘China and the West urgently need a new framework for understanding the state of the world and their place in it. Such a framework must recognize, first and foremost, that properly regulated economic competition is not a zero-sum game.’
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June 27, 2021
'Jimmy Lai & the Death of Free Speech in Hong Kong'
Jimmy Lai’s tabloid, the Apple Daily, with its peculiar blend of scandal, gossip, and serious political reporting, was Hong Kong’s indispensable voice of free speech. Now that voice has been silenced, and Lai is in prison with others who tried to protect the right of Hong Kong’s citizens to speak and write freely, to be ruled by law, and to vote for their own autonomous government. Their politics are diverse Yet they stand together. When freedom is under siege, people cannot afford the narcissism of small differences that is tearing apart liberal politics in countries where people think democracy can be taken for granted.
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June 27, 2021
'European Companies in China: Between Decoupling and Onshoring'
‘Instead of leaving the market, European companies are exploring ways to separate their China operations from their global ones.’ ‘Following the Covid-19 outbreak, European companies in China spent the first few months of 2020 solemnly appraising their investment strategies.’
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June 24, 2021
'Apple Daily closed, but press freedom stays in Hong Kong'
‘Freedom of the press is a good thing. The West's freedom of speech must be consistent with national interests and public security.’
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June 24, 2021
Bitcoin’s growing energy problem: ‘It’s a dirty currency'
“Bitcoin alone consumes as much electricity as a medium-sized European country.”
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June 24, 2021
'China steps up crackdown on bitcoin mining industry'
‘China’s latest intervention places further pressure on what was once one of the world’s most vibrant markets for trading and mining digital currencies.’ ‘It comes at a time when many governments are scrutinising the industry’s effect on the environment and determining the types of financial oversight that should be applied to cryptocurrencies.’
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June 24, 2021
'Congress on China: Then and Now'
‘With the Senate voting on June 8, 2021, to adopt the United States Innovation and Competitiveness Act, it is safe to say that this is the most comprehensive action by Congress on China policy EVER.’ ‘The language of the United States Innovation and Competitiveness Act is about a long-term competition with China as opposed to war with an enemy.’
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