
Faint Cracks

For some time now we’ve taken it for granted that Xi Jinping has so consolidated his power that his will is China policy.



March 21, 2022
Faint Cracks

For years, we’ve watched Xi Jinping consolidate power.

  • Especially through his anti-corruption campaign that caught both bad actors and his enemies – and put fear in his remaining detractors.
  • He’s decimated the ‘collective leadership’ model put in place by Deng Xiaoping to stymie Mao-style strong-man rule.
  • And he’s broken the power of competing factions that had been the heart of policy horse-trading.

Or, has he?

  • Some are seeing what The Wall Street Journal’s Lingling Wei calls ‘faint cracks in his hold on power.’

Even before Ms. Wei’s essay, I had heard the issue of Mr. Xi’s dominance raised at our last CHINARoundtable by a prominent China expert who suggested that:

  • ‘The “stability” theme that came from the December meeting [of the Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC)] - maybe it's a little bit exaggeration to say - is a slap in Xi’s face.’
  • ‘It's clearly, a fairly straightforward rejection of the kind of transformative things that he was talking about.’

Remember: The CECW is chaired by Mr. Xi with all the members of the Politburo Standing Committee in attendance – and it’s where Beijing plans how to manage the economy in the coming year.

  • So if the speaker at our CHINARoundtable is right, then a slap to Xi’s face is not an exaggeration.
  • If the ‘stability’ theme were imposed on Mr. Xi, this creates profound doubts about how absolute his authority is - a big if.

This may sound like the sort of thing of interest only to Pekingologists.

  • But the issue, as you will see, has real-world implications, most recently in the rally in Chinese stocks last week.
  • And may create a new uncertainty for investors’ and executives’ decision-making.

Then there is Mr. Xi’s support of Russia. He’s hanging tough.

A ‘faint crack?’ Maybe, maybe not. But as the WSJ’s Ms. Wei notes:

  • ‘In a country where leaders often try to present a united front, such different messages betray tensions within the top echelon of the party around Mr. Xi’s policies, party insiders say.’

For my part, I'm still betting that Mr. Xi is still very much in charge.

  • But I am also watching for more ‘faint cracks.’

1 | Who’s in charge here?

For some time now we’ve taken it for granted that Xi Jinping has so consolidated his power that his will is China policy.

  • And in the last year, we may have discerned that Mr. Xi – a true Marxist – has decided that capitalism in China has reached it use-by date, and the time is right to start getting China back on the socialist road.
  • This is in line with what Deng Xiaoping said China would do after it achieved ‘overwhelming abundance’ – because, as he said: ‘Socialism is not poverty, much less communism.’ Another true believer, but a practical one.
  • Now with a slowing economy, not only is China in the midst of a ‘course correction,’ but some are questioning just how tight Mr. Xi’s grip on power is.

The themes come together in an intriguing essay by The Wall Street Journal’s Lingling Wei in ‘Rollback of Xi Jinping’s Economic Campaign Exposes Cracks in His Power.’

  • Subtitle: ‘In addition to pressure from the West on Beijing over Xi’s Russian entente, he is struggling with a severe slowdown in the economy.’
  • ‘The new disquiet raises questions about his unassailed dominance.’

Ms. Wei writes:

  • ‘Last year, President Xi Jinping seemed all but invincible.’
  • ‘Now, his push to steer China away from capitalism and the West has thrown the Chinese economy into uncertainty and exposed faint cracks in his hold on power.’

‘Chinese policymakers became alarmed at the end of last year by how sharply growth had slowed after Mr. Xi tightened controls on private businesses, from tech giants to property developers.’

‘Officials are now speaking of a “course correction” to mitigate some of the effects of Mr. Xi’s policies.’

  • ‘In recent months, China has scrambled to dial back some of last year’s efforts, policy announcements and interviews with people close to decision-making show.’

Ms. Wei’s reporting and analysis are, as always, excellent. And we can trust that her sources are, as usual, knowledgeable insiders.

  • But, at least from my reading, I don’t see a direct assertion that the ‘course correction’ is being taken without Mr. Xi’s consent – or that Mr. Xi himself was compelled to accept these changes by a concerned elite within the Party and government.

There is of course the alternative explanation:

  • Faced with crises and potential crises on all sides, Mr. Xi decided, perhaps influenced by his trusted few advisors, to temper his policies and to postpone the return to the path of socialism until the economy rights itself.

That said, the changes are significant enough - and sufficiently contrary to his prior policies - to raise a reasonable inference of ‘faint cracks’ in Mr. Xi’s authority

  • And certainly enough to include that inference in considering investment and strategic business decisions.

2 | Pekingology for institutional investors

All this may sound like the sort of thing of interest only to Pekingologists.

  • But the issue has real-world implications.

Last week, following a major selloff of Chinese stocks listed in Hong Kong and New York, Beijing did an about-face on many of Mr. Xi’s initiatives, and the stocks rallied.

  • Another ‘faint crack’?

Last Tuesday, before the rally, Bloomberg’s Shuli Ren wrote in ‘China Doesn’t Care If It’s Uninvestable — for Foreigners’?:

  • ‘The question of China’s “investability” bubbling up again, as Chinese stocks listed in Hong Kong and New York witness their worst selloffs since the global financial crisis in 2008.’
  • ‘The inconvenient truth is that Beijing doesn’t care how much money global investors have lost.’

Then Wednesday those Chinese stocks rallied. Why?

‘A sweeping set of promises this week from Xi’s government to make regulation more transparent and predictable -- as well as a commitment to overseas markets including Hong Kong -- suggests authorities are appealing to investors abroad.’

  • ‘The ruling Communist Party is seeking to regain the trust of international funds and the global business community after the country was lumped in with Russia as an “uninvestable” destination.’

With that inference of ‘faint cracks’ in mind, we now ask a new and heretofore unthinkable question: Did Mr. Xi just start to care if foreign investors lost money and then consent to the about-face, or was he forced (okay, strongly persuaded) to do it?

  • If the former, we can have some confidence that the changes will remain in place at least until Mr. Xi gets the nod for a third term at the Party Congress in the fall.
  • If the latter, that is less certain – Mr. Xi might reassert himself and revert to his original objectives.

We will no doubt never know the answers to these questions.

  • Still just having to ask these questions adds another uncertainty for investors and executives making decisions based on their best prediction of China’s direction in a given area.

But in the absence of evidence of weakness, the smart money is on Mr. Xi’s continuing to have control over policy.

  • In any case, although narrowed in recent years, there has usually been more room for discussion of economic rather than political issues.

That’s what makes the circumstances surrounding Dr. Hu Wei’s controversial essay interesting.

3 | ‘China cannot be tied to Putin.’

Dr. Hu Wei

While, as many have noted he is walking a tightrope, Mr. Xi still supports Russia. He’s hanging tough.

  • But a vocal cohort of elites have publicly and not-so-publicly expressed opposition.

A ‘faint crack’? Maybe not. But as the WSJ’s Lingling Wei notes:

  • ‘In a country where leaders often try to present a united front, such different messages betray tensions within the top echelon of the party around Mr. Xi’s policies, party insiders say.’

The best known and most commented on is a ‘Possible Outcomes of the Russo-Ukrainian War and China’s Choice,’ [English title] by Dr. Hu Wei.

  • Dr. Hu is the vice-chairman of the Public Policy Research Center of the Counselor’s Office of the State Council, the chairman of Shanghai Public Policy Research Association, and the chairman of the Academic Committee of the Chahar Institute.

He writes:

  • ‘Russia’s ‘special military operation’ against Ukraine has caused great controversy in China, with its supporters and opponents being divided into two implacably opposing sides.’

His recommendation might be summed up as:

  • ‘China cannot be tied to Putin and needs to be cut off as soon as possible.’
  • ‘China should avoid playing both sides in the same boat, give up being neutral, and choose the mainstream position in the world.’
  • ‘Given that China has always advocated respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, it can avoid further isolation only by standing with the majority of the countries in the world.’

As Nikkei Asia, in ‘Analysis: China needs to drop Putin now, scholar insists:

Government adviser says Beijing needs to be on the right side of history,’


  • ‘These words written by a prominent Chinese scholar have dominated the discussion among Chinese foreign and security experts in recent days.’
  • And quoting an unnamed source: "They are ostensibly his personal views. But judging from his title, there are influential leaders behind him."
  • ‘His local connections hint at links to political forces based in Shanghai.’ [The Shanghai Gang faction headed by former leader Jiang Zemin and opposed to Mr. Xi?]

Although Dr. Hu’s essay has been read by hundreds of thousands of Chinese, it’s his initial target audience that is especially interesting:

  • ‘Hu’s article is dated March 5, the opening day of an annual session of the National People's Congress, China's parliament.’
  • ‘Marked as "for the judgment and reference of the highest decision-making level in China," the document was distributed among the leadership, which includes Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and the nation's president.’

‘The article was taken down from China's internet only after it had been read internally for as long as a week.’

  • Either China needs more diligent censors, or someone had the clout to keep it up.

‘It is safe to say Hu and the publishers were confident they would not be punished for releasing the frank analysis.’

  • Ditto on the someone with clout.

It would take someone expert on China’s elite politics to say whether or not this is a big deal.

  • But to my eye, that Dr. Hu’s essay was allowed to reach so many Chinese for so long and to stir so much debate - at a time when Mr. Xi is under pressure from the U.S. and even some of China’s leading scholars and influencers to drop support of Russia - suggests that the forces aligned against Mr. Xi may be stronger than we think.

And that we should be on the lookout for any more ‘faint cracks.’



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Building Biden's 'Great Wall' Around China
Whether you view it as an aggressive adversary or a nation asserting itself in ways commensurate with its rising status, China is creating risks – some subtle, some obvious - that, along with reactions of the U.S. and its allies, have to be factored, into every related business, investment, and policy strategy.
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July 1, 2022
A Debt Crisis of its Own Making
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June 22, 2022
No. Ukraine Won't Change Xi's Plans - or Timetable - for Taiwan
Ukraine won't speed up or delay Mr. Xi's timetable. (But it may cause him to work harder to strengthen China's military and insulate its economy from external pressure.)
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'TSMC faces pressure to choose a side in US-China tech war'
‘Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has maintained its historic position of neutrality, reflected in the company’s strategy of “being everyone’s foundry”.’
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April 14, 2021
The Belt & Road in the Post-Pandemic World
In this issue of China Macro Commentary, I have focused just on the ‘Digital Silk Road’ and how it supports the business expansion of Chinese tech companies, and on BRI ‘connectivity’ projects: ports (China is involved in 93 around the world) and on the growing China-Europe freight trains traffic (This wasn't covered sufficiently in the Report, so I included a recent article from the Wall Street Journal), plus on the U.S.'s failure to meet the BRI challenge.
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April 13, 2021
'2021 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community'
‘China increasingly is a near-peer competitor, challenging the United States in multiple arenas—especially economically, militarily, and technologically—and is pushing to change global norms.’
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April 13, 2021
In Battle With U.S. for Global Sway, China Showers Money on Europe’s Neglected Areas
‘The number of freight trains running between China and Europe topped 12,400 last year, 50% higher than in 2019 and seven times that of 2016, according to Chinese authorities.’
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'Why manufacturing matters to economic superpowers'
‘Whether such reshoring matters for national economies depends very much on the industry.’
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China in Jamie Dimon's Letter to Shareholders
‘China does not have a straight road to becoming the dominant economic power’.
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'Alibaba’s rivals on alert after China’s regulators hand out record fine'
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Alibaba: 'Promote the healthy and sustainable development of the platform economy'
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April 9, 2021
'The Best Explanation of Biden’s Economic Thinking I’ve Heard'
‘When President Biden’s thinking about the infrastructure investments necessary, a lot of it is in contraposition to what he is seeing China doing in terms of strategic investments.’
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April 8, 2021
Liu Ge: Competing with China a farfetched guise for US’ infrastructure plan
‘Historically speaking, it seems the only way for the US government to make costly public investments was to create an adversary that is presumed to threaten its security.’
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'Antony Blinken interview: The secretary of state offers a window into Biden's foreign policy decisions'
‘ “Our goal is not to contain China, hold China back, keep it down,” Blinken underlined.’
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April 8, 2021
'US adds Chinese supercomputing companies to export blacklist'
‘The Biden administration took its first trade action against China on Thursday, adding seven Chinese supercomputing developers to an export blacklist for assisting Chinese military efforts in a move that will likely further escalate frosty tensions between the world's two largest economies.’
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April 7, 2021
'Remarks by President Biden on the American Jobs Plan'
‘Look, do we think the rest of world is waiting around? Take a look. Do you think China is waiting around to invest in this digital infrastructure or in research and development?’
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April 7, 2021
China: 'Power Trader'
‘The theory of power trade better explains China’s economic and trade policies than does the theory of free trade or protectionism,’
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April 6, 2021
'Train Wreck: Ultimately companies have to choose.’
MUST READ: Bill Reinsch succinctly but brilliantly summarizes the situations in China and the U.S. and between the two.
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April 6, 2021
'Buy American!': Pushing U.S. Companies to Onshore Supply Chains
The debate about how to deal with China commercially ‘has moved in two directions: running faster—improving our innovation capabilities in critical technologies to better compete with China—and slowing China down by restricting its access to U.S. technology.’
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April 4, 2021
'Why Defending Taiwan is in the U.S. National Interest'
‘As long as Washington assesses that American security is best served by defending forward—an approach that has served the United States well over the past 70 years—Taiwan’s de facto independence will remain a key US interest and driver of American policy in Asia.’
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April 4, 2021
'Why China Is Going All "Wolf Warrior," All the Time'
‘All this is to say that, living in Beijing as I do, I think the current approach is predictable and consistent with everything else we are seeing in China in the New Era.’
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April 3, 2021
'With Swarms of Ships, Beijing Tightens Its Grip on South China Sea'
‘Not long ago, China asserted its claims on the South China Sea by building and fortifying artificial islands in waters also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia.’
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'Genesis Celebrates Launch In China With Dazzling, World Record-breaking Drone Show Over Shanghai's Iconic Skyline'
'The spectacular visuals were coordinated to present the world of Genesis, delivering an audacious storytelling concept while also breaking the Guinness World Records for "The Most Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) airborne simultaneously".’
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April 2, 2021
Mo' Infrastructure, Mo' Problems Copy
‘China’s reliance on building roads, railways and airports to support growth has caused a spike in debt, with some of that money funneled into unnecessary infrastructure and uneconomic boondoggle developments.’
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April 2, 2021
How Does the U.S. Compare to China?
Two reports from Bloomberg – ‘Biden Starts Infrastructure Bet With U.S. Far Behind China’ and ‘Biden’s Biggest-Ever Investment Plan for U.S. Still Trails China’ – highlight a few of the differences.
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April 2, 2021
USTR | '2021 National Trade Estimate Report on FOREIGN TRADE BARRIERS'
‘Made in China 2025 seeks to build up Chinese companies in the ten targeted, strategic sectors at the expense of, and to the detriment of, foreign industries and their technologies through a multi-step process over ten years.’
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April 2, 2021
‘2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure’
‘The 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure reveals we’ve made some incremental progress toward restoring our nation’s infrastructure.’ ‘For the first time in 20 years, our infrastructure is out of the D range. America's Infrastructure Scores a C-.’
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April 2, 2021
'US to make it easier for diplomats to meet Taiwanese officials'
'Plan to loosen restrictions on contacts with Taipei threatens to provoke China.'
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April 2, 2021
Biden Starts Infrastructure Bet With U.S. Far Behind China
Even though he didn’t rely solely on the China challenge to justify his new American Jobs Plan; devoted to infrastructure and more, President Biden certainly he had China in his sights. Because as Jonathan Hillman, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, wrote“The United States is entering what could be a decades-long competition in which economic and technological power will matter just as much, if not more, than military might.” “Starting this race with decaying infrastructure is like lining up for a marathon with a broken ankle.”
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April 2, 2021
President Biden Lays Out His ‘American Jobs’ Plan
‘It has become a cliché in U.S. policy circles that the best China policy is to invest in core U.S. capabilities: education, infrastructure, and research and development,’ writes Evan Medeiros of Georgetown University in ‘How to Craft a Durable China Strategy,’ in Foreign Affairs.
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April 2, 2021
'China’s Dangerous Double Game in North Korea'
‘Beijing’s North Korea policy is primarily motivated by a desire to counter U.S. power in the Asia-Pacific region and increase Chinese influence on the Korean Peninsula.
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'Japan’s Suga to Be the First Foreign Leader to Meet With Biden'
‘Japan walks a narrow line as it seeks to maintain close ties with its only military ally, the U.S., while avoiding damage to economic ties with its biggest trade partner, China.
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April 1, 2021
'Convicted in Hong Kong'
‘Everyone in the former British colony understands the message being sent from Hong Kong’s new masters in Beijing:’
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'U.S. dollar at risk as China races ahead on digital yuan'
‘So why should America care about any of this?’
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April 1, 2021
PRC Foreign Ministry Response to the USTR's 'National Trade Estimate Report'
‘The accusations and slanders made by the US against China's industrial policies are groundless.’
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March 31, 2021
'Consumer boycotts warn of trouble ahead for Western firms in China'
‘Western executives in China cannot shake an unsettling fear that this time is different.’‘Their lucrative Chinese operations are at rising risk of tumbling into the political chasm that has opened between the West and China.’
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March 31, 2021
'How the Pandemic is Changing the Belt & Road Initiative'
‘The building of roads, railways, ports, and power plants is giving way to a BRI centered on technology—primarily telecommunications, connectivity, health care, and financial services.’
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