
Building Biden's 'Great Wall' Around China

Whether you view it as an aggressive adversary or a nation asserting itself in ways commensurate with its rising status, China is creating risks – some subtle, some obvious - that, along with reactions of the U.S. and its allies, have to be factored, into every related business, investment, and policy strategy.



July 10, 2022
Building Biden's 'Great Wall' Around China

‘Preserving a favorable balance of power against an aggressive adversary is the best means of deterring war, not an incitement to it,’ writes Hal Brands of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

  • True or not (and many don’t believe this describes how international relations really work), we are seeing a return to alliances – a key balance of power tool – in the convergence of powerful countries aligning against what they increasingly see as an ‘aggressive adversary,’ China.

Whether you view it as an aggressive adversary or a nation asserting itself in ways commensurate with its rising status, China is creating risks – some subtle, some obvious -  that, along with reactions of the U.S. and its allies, have to be factored, into every related business, investment, and policy strategy.  

  • And the geopolitical response to the biggest risks is a return to balance of power in international affairs.

As Kathryn Judge of Columbia Law School notes in her excellent, ‘The global economy needs to be better prepared for the coming storm’: ‘The final lesson from finance is the value of “stress testing”—trying to work out just how a firm would fare in an adverse scenario before anything bad actually happens.’ For example,

  • ‘What would happen to a firm’s operations and finances if China invaded Taiwan and all trade between America and China temporarily ceased?’

Along with ‘stress testing’ such a scenario, you also have to estimate the chances of its occurring.

  • For major events like the invasion of Taiwan, calculating those chances depends on how the balance of power between the U.S. and China is working at any given time.

For that reason, executives, investors, and policymakers should be tracking the way alliances are being built on both sides, and assessing how effective they are in maintaining peace and stability – or not.

  • Here are some background and thoughts to help you track and assess.

1 | Biden’s Partner

During the Trump administration, with its lack of interest in strengthening U.S. alliances, power was balanced by the U.S. alone versus China.

  • President Biden, of course, has taken a different path.

His success in pulling in U.S. allies to face off with China is a tribute to good policy and good diplomacy.

  • But Mr. Biden has had a great partner: Xi Jinping.

When I talk with my Chinese counterparts, they often assert that the U.S. is the cause of deteriorating relations.

  • If the U.S. were a better actor, they say, it wouldn't have the need to forge alliances to counter China.

This point of view is well-expressed by Peking University’s Wang Jisi in his Foreign Affairs essay, ‘The Plot Against China?’

  • ‘The conventional wisdom in Beijing holds that the United States is the greatest external challenge to China’s national security, sovereignty, and internal stability.’
  • ‘Most Chinese observers now believe that the United States is driven by fear and envy to contain China in every possible way.’
  • ‘And although American policy elites are clearly aware of how that view has taken hold in China, many of them miss the fact that from Beijing’s perspective, it is the United States—and not China—that has fostered this newly adversarial environment, especially by carrying out what the CCP views as a decades-long campaign of meddling in China’s internal affairs with the goal of weakening the party’s grip on power.’

Mr. Wang continues: ‘In the United States, China’s rise is a source of neuralgia and anxiety.’

  • ‘Unsurprisingly, in China, the country’s growing status is a source of confidence and pride.’

‘ “As the world faces unprecedented turbulence,” Xi told a group of high-ranking CCP officials in January, “time and momentum are on China’s side.” ’

  • ‘Chinese officials seem to feel increasingly emboldened in confronting Washington.’
  • And Washington’s allies.

2 | We’re all bewildered.

But it’s not the confrontation itself but the nature of the confrontation that is persuading U.S. allies to band together.

As John Pomfret notes in one of my favorite essays, ‘China’s biggest global foil is often just China’:

  • ‘Across the globe, Xi’s diplomatic representatives in Europe, Beijing, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia and elsewhere, are lifting up rocks and smashing their own feet.’

‘The Chinese have termed these type of interactions “wolf warrior” diplomacy, inspired by a shoot-em-up action film of the same name.’

  • ‘China’s wolf warriors might play well in Beijing, but across the globe China’s envoys are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.’

‘The moves are befuddling — with a buoyant economy and a practically covid-free country [this was written in 2021], China is poised to see its influence rise if it plays it smart.’

  • ‘But it’s not; instead, it’s alienating individuals and nations across the world.’

‘I’ve been studying China for my entire adult life, and I have to admit to being bewildered by China’s performance.’

  • ‘But I’m in good company.’

‘Thirty-one years ago, the great political scientist Lucian Pye wrote:’

  • ‘ “Just when all appears to be going well, Chinese officials create problems for seemingly unaccountable reasons.” ’

Mr. Pomfret writes that China’s ‘goof ups’ are ‘a string of diplomatic misadventures that have become a hallmark of the rule of Xi Jinping.’

  • And I would add to those diplomatic misadventures, another string of misadventures from aggressive moves from Taiwan to Hong Kong to the East and South China Seas and beyond.

In other words, Mr. Xi is either annoying or scaring the bejesus out of countries - all at costs that seem to outweigh any benefits.

  • Without Xi Jinping, Biden wouldn’t have been able to bring on U.S. allies and strengthen the balance of power in the U.S.’s favor.

3 | Case study: The EU

I have been tracking EU-China relations for some years and really didn’t think the Europeans would ever get on board with the U.S. in countering China.

  • Leery of being caught between the U.S. and China and of having its substantial economic ties with China harmed, the EU took a middle path.
  • No more.

‘The past two years have seen a major shift in Europe’s China policy,’ notes Philippe Le Corre in ‘Europe’s China Policy Has Taken a Sharp Turn. Where Will It Go Next?’

  • ‘Brussels no longer separates economic issues from human rights and values.’

As a result, says Ian Johnson of the Council on Foreign Relations in ‘Has China Lost Europe?: How Beijing’s Economic Missteps and Support for Russia Soured European Leaders’:

  • ‘Europe has become one of China’s biggest foreign-policy headaches.’
  • ‘In part, the current situation is a result of economic miscalculations by both sides, which overestimated the potential benefits of the arrangement.’

‘But China’s increasingly rigid position on Taiwan has made things worse.’

  • ‘The Chinese government has retaliated against Lithuania for giving a small amount of symbolic recognition to Taiwan; and over the past year, it has made threatening noises toward other European governments over the same issue.’
  • ‘Amid these souring relations, China’s support for Russia in Ukraine has brought its European troubles to a head.’

‘The stakes are not small.’

  • ‘The war in Ukraine has exposed how few allies China has and how badly the Chinese leadership miscalculated in pursuing close ties with Russia.’
  • ‘Beijing’s heavy-handed efforts to gain leverage in Europe have also backfired.’
  • ‘Even as its economy and growing military strength guarantee it power and attention, its failed European project has underscored its inability to win durable partners among the advanced democracies—a pattern that seems likely to hinder its long-term influence in the world.’

And to shift the balance of power.

  • Add Japan, Australia, South Korea, and the rest – along with the reinvigoration of the Quad and the new ANKUS alliance - and it’s destined to be a big shift.

4 | Even NATO is riled up

Mr. Xi has even got NATO – charged with defending Europe – riled up. As Bloomberg reports:

  • ‘In Madrid at the recent NATO summit, a preoccupation with China was evident.’

‘The meeting featured the remarkable presence of leaders from non-NATO members Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.’

  • ‘All of them have something in common: China.’
  • ‘With those nations represented, NATO for the first time singled out China as one of the alliance’s strategic challenges.’

That singling out came in the ‘NATO 2022 Strategic Concept’ released at the summit.

  • This is the first time that NATO has explicitly announced its intention to oppose Chinese “challenges.”
  • And the China part of the paper, below, is the toughest ever.

‘13. The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values.'

  • ‘The PRC employs a broad range of political, economic and military tools to increase its global footprint and project power, while remaining opaque about its strategy, intentions and military build-up.’
  • ‘The PRC’s malicious hybrid and cyber operations and its confrontational rhetoric and disinformation target Allies and harm Alliance security.’
  • ‘The PRC seeks to control key technological and industrial sectors, critical infrastructure, and strategic materials and supply chains.’
  • ‘It uses its economic leverage to create strategic dependencies and enhance its influence. It strives to subvert the rules-based international order, including in the space, cyber and maritime domains.’
  • ‘The deepening strategic partnership between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut the rules-based international order run counter to our values and interests.’

‘14. We remain open to constructive engagement with the PRC, including to build reciprocal transparency, with a view to safeguarding the Alliance’s security interests.’

  • ‘We will work together responsibly, as Allies, to address the systemic challenges posed by the PRC to Euro-Atlantic security and ensure NATO’s enduring ability to guarantee the defence and security of Allies.’
  • ‘We will boost our shared awareness, enhance our resilience and preparedness, and protect against the PRC’s coercive tactics and efforts to divide the Alliance.’
  • ‘We will stand up for our shared values and the rules-based international order, including freedom of navigation.’

As The Brussels Times says in ‘NATO labels China threat to global security’:

  • ‘The European Union as previously described China as a “systemic rival” to the bloc, while the UK has opted for “systemic competitor.” ’

‘NATO has now upped the rhetoric, directing labelling the PRC as a challenge to be confronted.’

  • ' “We will work together responsibly, as Allies, to address the systemic challenges posed by the PRC to Euro-Atlantic security.” ’

When I used to negotiate multilateral treaties and conventions, we could spend a couple of weeks coming to agreement on one word.

  • So while these seem like ‘so what?’ changes, I have no doubt they represent intense wrangling among NATO countries – and wouldn’t have been possible if those countries did not themselves feel the threats from China as laid out in the paper.

The other side of the balance of power, China, is a different - and more difficult - story.

5| ‘China’s Search for Allies’

China has taken a different path from the U.S.

  • In her 2021 essay, ‘China’s Search for Allies,’ written before the invasion of Ukraine and China’s support for Russia, Patricia Kim of Brookings, explains that difference.

‘The United States’ network of alliances has long been a central pillar of its foreign policy—and, as competition with China has intensified in recent years, held up as a major U.S. advantage.’

  • ‘China, by contrast, has shied away from formal alliances, based on its supposedly distinct view of international relations and a pragmatic desire to avoid the risks of entanglement.’

‘China has avoided building a traditional network of allies thus far for reasons ranging from long-standing ideological inclinations to hardheaded strategic calculation.’

  • ‘Since the early days of the People’s Republic, Beijing has sought to portray itself as a leader of the developing world and a proponent of Non-Aligned Movement principles of noninterference and anti-imperialism.’

‘In more recent years, Chinese leaders have begun to insist that they practice a “new type of international relations,” eschewing traditional power politics in favor of “win-win cooperation.” ’

  • ‘Such language is meant to bolster the narrative that China’s rise should not be feared but be welcomed as a boon for global development and prosperity—and to distinguish Beijing from Washington, which Chinese leaders frequently criticize for maintaining an outdated “Cold War mentality.” ’

‘Today, China has only one formal ally—North Korea, with whom it shares a mutual defense treaty.’

  • ‘But it has dozens of official partnerships with states around the world.’

‘At the top of the pyramid are Russia and Pakistan (whose extra-special ties with Beijing are denoted by long and exclusive monikers, “China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for a New Era” and “China-Pakistan All Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership”).’

  • ‘Then come several Southeast Asian states—Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos—as well as states farther afield, such as Egypt, Brazil, and New Zealand.’
  • ‘Beijing has also invested great energy into building Chinese-led multilateral mechanisms, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, and the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.’

‘In addition to such public diplomacy efforts, Beijing’s alliance-shy posture reflects a strategic decision to build relationships centered around economic ties in its quest for power and global influence.’

  • ‘This is not to say that China uses only economic statecraft to advance its objectives.’

‘In fact, China has rapidly expanded its military capabilities over the last two decades and used its newfound might to intimidate Taiwan, jostle with India along a disputed border, and press its sovereignty claims in the East China and South China Seas.’

  • ‘Nonetheless, while Chinese leaders consider military power essential for protecting their homeland, core national interests, and citizens and investments abroad, they have demonstrated little desire to take on external security commitments that could drag their country into far-flung conflicts.’

‘Beijing has bet instead that offering loans, investments, and trade opportunities, and doing business with any sovereign entity, regardless of its character and track record at home, will win China friends and influence.’

  • ‘And this strategy has paid off.’ [If maybe less so since this analysis was written.]

‘In the near term, China is unlikely to abandon its geo-economic strategy for dominance altogether.’

‘But there are two possible scenarios that could drive it to build a bona fide network of allies:’

  • ‘If Beijing perceives a sharp enough deterioration in its security environment that overturns its cost-benefit analysis on pursuing formal military pacts; or’
  • ‘If it decides to displace the United States as the predominant military power, not just in the Indo-Pacific region, but globally.’

‘(These two scenarios are not, of course, mutually exclusive.)’

‘Chinese leaders may come to such conclusions if they assess that the Communist Party’s core interests, such as its hold on power at home, authority over Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, and claims of sovereignty over Taiwan would be untenable without striking formal defense pacts with key partners such as Russia, Pakistan, or Iran.’

  • ‘In fact, Chinese assessments have already begun to move in this direction.’

Given the hardening of U.S. alliances to counter China, I am a little surprised that move isn’t in full gear.

  • But even if China entered into full on alliances with, for example, Russia, Pakistan, and Iran, their combined economic and military heft is no match for the U.S., the EU, the UK, Japan, Australia, South Korea and the others taken together.

6 | Deterrence or incitement

As noted at the beginning: ‘Preserving a favorable balance of power against an aggressive adversary is the best means of deterring war, not an incitement to it.’

  • Conversely, a nation which feels the balance of power slipping away may feel it has to act while it still can.

Either way, the U.S.-China balance of power will create or mitigate geopolitical risks.

  • Well worth the work to track and assess each side's moves and countermoves.

7 | Tracking & assessing the shifting balance of power

Here are a couple of ways I track and assess how the balance of power is shifting,

Watch for announcements like the ‘NATO 2022 Strategic Concept’ and compare them to earlier ones.

  • In this case, have a look at NATO’s ‘Brussels Summit Communiqué’ from 2021, sections 55 & 56, and you will just how much views about China have hardened in just a year.

And watch for the actions of individual countries.

On this side of the power balancing, there are a lot of moving parts – and a lot to follow.

  • But by tracking these you will be better able to understand how geopolitical risks ebb and flow and to make better plans.



May 15, 2021
'After Xi: China's potentially destabilising succession crisis'
‘By removing de jure term limits on the office of the presidency — and thus far refusing to nominate his successor for this and his other leadership positions — Xi has solidified his own authority at the expense of the most important political reform of the last four decades: the regular and peaceful transfer of power.’ ‘In doing so, he has pushed China towards a potential destabilising succession crisis, one with profound implications for the international order and global commerce.’
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May 15, 2021
‘Scenario One & Two: Xi Steps Down'
‘In this scenario, Xi thwarts the current consensus by handing over his leadership positions to at least one individual from the current Politburo Standing Committee (as per existing regulations).’
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May 12, 2021
The Poem that Cost Billions
The billion dollar losses that came from quoting an 1,100-year-old poem, toWhy foreign companies in China have Stockholm Syndrome
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June 24, 2021
'Hong Kong’s Apple Daily newspaper folds under government pressure'
Apple Daily was much more than a newspaper. To its fans, it was a defender of freedoms. To its foes, it was the defiler of national sovereignty.’
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June 24, 2021
The End of 'Apple Daily' - and Freedom of the Press in Hong Kong
Through arrests and freezing of assets, Beijing has forced the closing of Hong Kong’s last pro-democracy newspaper, the Apple Daily.
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June 20, 2021
‘Why do business and political leaders in the West persist in getting China so wrong?’
From that I suggested that to invest successfully in China, you have to understand – and be aware of - what those differences are.
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June 20, 2021
‘Why do business and political leaders in the West persist in getting China so wrong?
‘Why do business and political leaders in the West persist in getting China so wrong?’
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June 17, 2021
'Back-to-Back Rebukes of China Mark a Turning Point'
‘The one-two punch of public criticism smacks directly into Mr. Xi’s assertion that China won’t stand for lecturing by other nations, suggesting anxiety in key capitals is prompting governments to seek alignment with the U.S. over attempting to manage the relationship with Beijing on their own.’
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June 17, 2021
'Meet the New Chinese Economy, Same as the Old Chinese Economy'
If a recovery led by investment in real estate and industrial production, with consumption lagging behind, sounds familiar, it may be because the same could be said of the makeup of China’s growth before Covid-19.’
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June 17, 2021
Part 1 | 'Is China exporting inflation?'
‘Beijing is moving swiftly to protect its factories and workplaces from rising costs.’ ‘Still, rising prices in China, by far the world’s biggest manufacturer and exporter, could be felt around the world.’
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June 17, 2021
Bernie Sanders: 'Don’t Start a New Cold War With China'
‘The pendulum of conventional wisdom in Washington has now swung from being far too optimistic about the opportunities presented by unfettered trade with China to being far too hawkish about the threats posed by the richer, stronger, more authoritarian China that has been one result of that increased trade.’
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June 17, 2021
Part 2 | 'Is China exporting inflation?'
“Is China exporting inflation? In renminbi terms, it’s not so obvious. But in U.S. dollar terms, it starts to get more sizable.” ’
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June 13, 2021
'Forget about China': Clyde Prestowitz
Clyde Prestowitz has influenced U.S. foreign trade and investment policy for many decades, both inside and outside government.
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June 9, 2021
'Joe Biden Worries That China Might Win'
‘Biden worries that China is in competition for America, and not only that—they might win. This belief underpins the Biden doctrine.’
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June 9, 2021
'From the G7 to a D-10: Strengthening democratic cooperation for today's challenges'
‘A “Democratic-10” or “D-10” is aimed at rallying the world’s most powerful democracies around a common cause— advancing a rules-based democratic order based on shared values and common interests.’
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June 9, 2021
Biden Worries China Might Win
‘Biden has taken the vital first step of correctly diagnosing the strategic challenge facing the country.’ ‘Like Harry Truman at the start of the Cold War and George H. W. Bush at its end, the president now has an opportunity to create a framework for a new era.’
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June 9, 2021
Joe Biden: 'My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world’s democracies'
‘This is a defining question of our time: Can democracies come together to deliver real results for our people in a rapidly changing world?’
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June 9, 2021
'NATO & China's Challenges to Europe'
‘Even though China does not pose a direct military threat to NATO, contrary to Russia or terrorist groups, Beijing’s growing economic influence and diplomatic assertiveness in Europe coupled with its growing military relationship with Russia do have major implications for the transatlantic economy as well as its security.’
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June 3, 2021
5 | Two Caveats
‘Highlighting the strategic questionability of China’s policies doesn’t mean that Beijing’s fears of the outside world are completely unjustified.’
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June 3, 2021
1 | 'Wolf Warriors Killed China’s Grand Strategy—and We'll All Come to Miss It'
‘The predominant feature of Chinese conduct today is not grand strategy but a belligerent, defensive nationalism that lashes out without heed of consequences.’ Sometime in 2020, China came unmoored from its grand strategy.
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June 3, 2021
4 | Why China Abandoned Its Grand Strategy
‘The most persuasive explanation is that China has poisoned itself through its own rhetoric.’
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June 3, 2021
6 | The Risks & the Dangers
‘The real danger is that once toxin has spread through the system, there is no knowing where it will end.’
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June 3, 2021
2 | Blame It on Xi
‘In China’s case, the Xi era has seen the accumulation of somewhat counterproductive policies that catalyzed a breakdown.’
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June 3, 2021
3 | Enter the ‘Wolf Warriors’
‘What changed in 2020 was that nationalism for its own sake became the predominant motif of Chinese conduct.’
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June 3, 2021
Killing China's Grand Strategy
Trend: Under the Xi Jinping administration, China has amped up abrasive ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomacy; cracked down within its borders, despite protests and criticisms from other countries; become increasing bellicose in responding to those protests and criticisms, and any other pushback it doesn’t like; and increased its aggressive rhetoric and actions against neighbors. Risks: If this sounds like a problem just for the world’s Ministries of Foreign Affairs, think again – the impact extends deep into business and finance.
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May 30, 2021
'Final Thoughts'
'Just as Brzezinski foresaw the two new contending blocs –– requiring greater “geostrategic skill” –– that are forming today, Kissinger has emphasized the unprecedented dangers that AI could introduce into a divided world.’
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May 30, 2021
China's ‘Anti-Hegemonist Bloc’
‘To counter U.S. coalition building, China has enhanced its diplomatic, economic, and military relationship with both Russia and Iran in recent months, resulting in the closest ties these countries have had in the post-Cold War era.’
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May 30, 2021
Postscript: China Doubts U.S. Allies Support
'Chinese leadership is also cynical about the effectiveness of a U.S.-led Cold War-style bloc.’
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May 30, 2021
Biden’s ‘Anti-China Bloc’
‘Throughout President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office, his administration has largely continued the Trump administration’s hawkish approach toward China.’ ‘President Biden has also made international coalition building to confront the growing power and influence of China his primary foreign policy initiative.’ ‘Chinese leaders and the public are not convinced by the statements recently made by President Biden that these U.S.-led alliances are “not anti-Chinese” and that the United States is “not looking for confrontation” with China.’
keep reading
May 30, 2021
What China Thinks About Biden's China Policy
And that is what makes Cheng Li’s ‘Biden’s China strategy: Coalition-driven competition or Cold War-style confrontation?' so valuable. Cheng has decades of close relationships with China’s leaders and high officials. They trust him not to attribute their comments and so speak freely and honestly to him. Cheng is the person I rely on most to convey China’s positions.
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May 30, 2021
Worse for China than Trump
‘Many Chinese now believe that the Biden administration could be more detrimental to U.S.-China relations than the Trump administration.’
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May 30, 2021
'Biden’s China strategy: Coalition-driven competition or Cold War-style confrontation?'
‘Senior officials on the foreign policy team have frequently emphasized three “C” words: competition, cooperation, and confrontation.’
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May 30, 2021
The Trump Legacy
‘From Beijing’s perspective, the hawkish approach to China in the final year of the Trump administration revealed that the Trump team sought to defeat and destroy China in much the same way that the United States defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War.’
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May 27, 2021
'China Bets on Productivity Over Population to Drive Its Economy'
‘Beijing has a two-pronged approach to maintaining economic growth as its population shrinks.’ ‘First, it intends to slow the decline of the urban workforce by raising the retirement age and encouraging migration of more of the country’s 510 million rural residents to cities.’ ‘Second, it plans to raise productivity -- a measure of economic output per worker -- with the latest five-year plan emphasizing better vocational education and more investment in scientific research, automation and digital infrastructure.’ [see second chart above]
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May 27, 2021
'Why Demographics is (Close to) Destiny'
‘Demographics may not be destiny, but for students of geopolitics, they come close.’
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May 27, 2021
'Lousy demographics will not stop China’s rise'
‘The old maxim ‘demography is destiny’ no longer holds in the same way that it used to.’ ‘A shrinking and ageing population may not have the same gloomy implications in the 21st century.’
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May 27, 2021
'Sex and the Chinese Economy'
‘A rise in China’s male-female ratio may have contributed to between one-third and one-half of the increase in its trade surplus with other countries.’ ‘The sex imbalance thus likely underpins an important source of tension between China and the US. Yet bilateral engagement has paid scant attention to this linkage.’
keep reading


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