
'A Fateful Error'

As the 1904 cartoon from Puck magazine shows, this isn’t the first time in the past 100 or so years that Russia has shattered the peace. [Or has been defeated, as it was in 1905 by the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War.]



February 17, 2022
'A Fateful Error'
The Face Off

Many have written that the Ukraine invasion will distract the Biden administration from its focus on China.

  • I can’t speak for the administration, but it has certainly distracted me.

I am by turns appalled to see a free people about to be subjugated by a tyrant and elated by the incredible courage of Ukraine’s leadership and people.

  • I could have devoted this entire issue to the latter.

As the 1904 cartoon from Puck magazine shows, this isn’t the first time in the past 100 or so years that Russia has shattered the peace. [Or has been defeated, as it was in 1905 by the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War.]

  • The difference between then and now is that Vladimir Putin’s Russia - with not much, except oil, nukes, hackers, and a willingness to attack a neighbor unprovoked – can’t do much to threaten peace on a large scale.

The same can’t be said for his buddy, Xi Jinping.

  • Mr. Xi has the vision, the will, and the capability to change the world and the world order.
  • But, as he watches, over just this past week, Mr. Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the world's reactions, it is likely that Mr. Xi is rethinking issues from how close should China be to Russia; to how to deal with a much-galvanized band of democratic allies; to how the world would react to an invasion of Taiwan; and more.

In 1997 George Kennan called the expansion of NATO into the former Warsaw Pact countries 'a fateful error.'

  • And, if Mr. Putin is to be believed, that expansion is one of the reasons why Russian troops are in Ukraine today.
  • [And also the reason why he won't be able to invade eastward beyond Ukraine.]

In 2022, though, the fateful error may be Mr. Putin's invasion.

  • We will see. The world is watching.

As George Soros says, ‘It’s amazing how fast things can change.’

1 | ‘It’s amazing how fast things can change.’

George Soros, commenting on last week’s CHINAMacroReporter, ‘Under Construction: Two (Opposing) World Orders,’ wrote me:

  • ‘Dr. Beckley’s predictions were upended by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine with the objective of destroying its army.’

‘Xi and Putin were closely allied with Xi as the older brother.’

  • ‘But the invasion will drive them apart.

‘At the same time, the US and Europe were quite far apart.’

  • ‘This has also turned around.’

‘Unfortunately, Putin may achieve his military objective but politically he has weakened not only himself but also Xi Jinping.’

  • ‘It’s amazing how fast things can change.’

There’s a lot to unpack in Dr. Soros pithy statement.

  • Here is my take on a just few of his insights.

[BTW, ‘Dr. Beckley’s predictions’ refers to my quotes from Michael Beckley of Tufts’ ‘Enemies of My Enemy: How Fear of China Is Forging a New World Order’ in the last CHINAMacroReporter, ‘Under Construction: Two (Opposing) World Orders,’ which included: ‘The international order is falling apart….There are only two orders under construction right now—a Chinese-led one and a U.S.-led one….And the contest between the two is rapidly becoming a clash between autocracy and democracy.’]

2 | 'Looks like Putin suckered Xi.'

Especially interesting is Dr. Soros’ comment that ‘the invasion will drive [Russia and China] apart.’

  • This is high stakes.

Remember the primary motivation for President Nixon’s opening to China 50 years ago was to play the ‘China Card’ against the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

  • Now, in a turnabout, China appears to be doing the same, except this time Mr. Xi is playing the ‘Russia Card’ against the U.S.
  • So from the U.S. point of view, anything that weakens the China-Russia relationship is a good thing.

Just a few weeks ago, that relationship looked stronger than ever.

  • When Mr. Xi and Mr. Putin met at the start of the Beijing Winter Olympics in early February, they issued a joint statement declaring that their countries’ friendship “has no bounds.”
  • Now there’s a question about whether or not Mr. Xi really knew what he was getting into in light of the Ukraine invasion.

‘Mr. Xi’s calculus in signing on to a deeper partnership with Russia’ included ‘the persistent brushing off of the invasion risks,’ according to The Wall Street Journal’s Lingling Wei in ‘China Adjusts, and Readjusts, Its Embrace of Russia in Ukraine Crisis.’

  • ‘In meeting with Mr. Xi before attending the opening ceremony of the Olympics, say the people close to Beijing’s foreign-policy establishment, the Russian leader shared his grievances against the U.S.—complaints they say deeply resonated with a Chinese leader who has accused Washington of trying to build cliques to hurt China.’
  • ‘But Mr. Putin left his plans for Ukraine out of the conversation.’
  • And, it seems, Mr. Xi may have been under the impression that Mr. Putin did not intend to invade.

‘ “After that statement that ties Xi so closely to Putin, the U.S. and others are bound to punish China for enabling Russia’s aggression,” says Susan Shirk, a former deputy assistant secretary of state who now leads the 21st Century China Center at the University of California San Diego, quoted in ‘ “Abrupt Changes”: China Caught in a Bind Over Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine’ by The New York Times’ Chris Buckley.

  • ‘ “But it’s also harder for China to signal to the world that it doesn’t support Russia’s move.” ’
  • ‘ “Looks like Putin suckered Xi.” ’

You have to wonder if Mr. Xi feels the same way.

  • If he does, well, that got to make him think twice the next time he buys a used car from Mr. Putin.

3 | In a Bind

Training to defend Ukraine

Here is more on why the Ukraine invasion may drive Russia and China apart.

‘For more than a decade, Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir V. Putin of Russia have forged a respectful, perhaps even warm relationship, reflecting the deepening ties between two world powers that share common cause against American military and economic might,’ writes The New York Times’ Steven Lee Myers in ‘Ukraine Invasion Tests the Ties That Bind Putin and Xi.’

  • ‘The invasion of Ukraine could upend all that — or forge, in diplomatic isolation, an alliance that reshapes the world order in the 21st century.

Mr. Buckley again: ‘Russia’s war has put its partner Beijing in a severe bind, including over where it stands on countries’ sovereign rights.’

  • ‘On the one hand, China has long said that the United States and other Western powers routinely trample over other countries, most egregiously in recent times in the invasion of Iraq in 2003. China’s message has been that it is the true guardian of sovereign independence, especially for poorer countries.’
  • ‘On the other hand, Mr. Putin has expected Mr. Xi to accept, if not support, the invasion. Mr. Xi’s government has played along so far, laying responsibility for Europe’s worst war in decades on hubris by the United States. China has also distanced itself from the condemnation of Russia at the United Nations.’

‘Unless the Ukraine crisis is resolved, China will continue performing verbal contortions to try to balance its solidarity with Russia with its declared devotion to the sanctity of the nation-state, experts and former diplomats said.’

  • ‘If the war expands and persists, the costs for China of hemming and hawing over a deadly crisis may grow.’

And Yu Jie of Chatham House in ‘War in Ukraine is a severe test of China’s new axis with Russia’ writes:

  • ‘President Vladimir Putin’s full military escalation in Ukraine has unsettled his seemingly best friend in international affairs, the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, who has invested in the bilateral relationship personally and politically.’
  • ‘Beijing’s axis with Moscow was recently strengthened during the 2022 Winter Olympics, with their joint declaration to proclaim “their cooperation with no limit”.’
  • ‘However, cooperation would have to come with some substantial limits to avoid undermining Beijing’s own priorities and interests in the eyes of Chinese foreign policy planners.

‘Beijing will have to consider the balance sheet for this current alignment carefully.’

  • ‘If the cost of alignment comes at a far greater price than the actual benefit, Beijing must reach its own conclusion and tread carefully.’
  • ‘Russia’s recklessness serves as a spur for China to rethink its return on its alignment with the Kremlin, and it may wish to minimise the risks associated with Russia’s fraught relations with the west.’

Remember Mr. Putin has been a rogue player for a long time, presiding over a nation whose better days appear to be behind it and - except for oil and nukes and hackers and a willingness to invade a neighbor unprovoked - doesn’t have much of an international footprint or future.

  • Xi’s presides over a country that has been on the rise for decades and has aspirations of world leadership – hanging out a little too closely with Bad Boy Putin could be tough on the reputation.

Just as Prince Hal broke with Falstaff when he became King Henry V, Mr. Xi may have to do the same one day with his best buddy.

4 | The International Order is All Right.

Dr. Soros doesn’t specify which of Dr. Beckley’s predications has been upended.

  • But I can identify one of his assertions that has been upended – and debunked by the reaction to the invasion: ‘The international order is falling apart.’

I wrote about that a week or so ago before the Ukraine invasion.

  • Then, I could sense some shilly-shallying among the allies and had real doubts about whether or not they would stand up to Mr. Putin, other than boots-on-the-ground, which was rightly off the table.
  • As I write today, much of that concern has abated.

Along with the rest of the free world, I watched, rapt, at the speeches by allies and others at the UN Security Council condemning Russian aggression.

  • Just words, but an affirmation of the values of the liberal world order nonetheless.

And many backed up their words with actions.

  • Have a look at the map, above, from a few days ago showing the sanctions imposed – and since then there have more and tougher ones.

Still to my mind, we are still way short of the sanctions we should impose – and of the countries who should be imposing them.

  • But I used to do multilateral diplomatic negotiation for a living – and I realize how tough it is to get countries on board for any given action.
  • Still, I’m standing by for more.

5 | ‘A Fateful Error’

Dr. Soros mentions how the U.S. and Europe ‘were quite far apart,’ but this has also turned around’ with Mr. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

  • In fact, before this, I had grave doubts that all NATO countries would agree to defend its eastern European members against a Russian invasion – ‘Are we going to risk nuclear war for Estonia?’
  • If the answer were no, would pretty much be the effective end of NATO.
  • No more. Putin has managed to galvanize the one entity he most wanted to weaken.

But what if Estonia weren’t a NATO member in the first place?

  • Just as with Ukraine, no question western countries would not risk nuclear war with Russia to defend a country of otherwise little strategic value and with whom they had no treaty obligations.

Now, though, most of the former Warsaw Pact nations – not the former members of the USSR itself, like Ukraine - are NATO members.

  • So when people ask, ‘Where will Mr. Putin invade next?’ we know that for that reason his options are pretty sparse – unless it is he who wants to risk nuclear by attacking a now firm NATO alliance.

And this is one of Mr. Putin’s complaints and purported motivation for invading Ukraine: NATO - after it promised not to, he asserts – expanded closer and closer to Russia's border, imperiling its security.

  • The map above shows the NATO expansion eastward that began in 1997.

My hero, George Kennan, the architect of America’s ‘containment policy’ against the USSR, called that expansion ‘a fateful error’ in a 1997 New York Times op-ed of the same name. He wrote:

  • ‘In late 1996, the impression was allowed, or caused, to become prevalent that it had been somehow and somewhere decided to expand NATO up to Russia's borders.’
  • ‘Expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.’
  • ‘Such a decision may be expected to inflame the nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion; to have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.’

To that extent, he was right.

  • We – and, more tragically, the Ukrainian people – are suffering, in part, for that decision today.

What Mr. Kennan didn’t factor into his analysis, however, was the other part: The emergence of a Vladimir Putin, whose motivation, beyond security, is to reclaim, as best he can, the territory of the Soviet Union.

  • As Mr. Putin said in a 2005 speech, ‘The demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.’
  • And he seems to believe that it is his destiny reverse that catastrophe.

Without NATO’s ‘fateful error,’ we would now be waiting to see which countries from the former empire Mr. Putin will decide to pick off next.

  • And we would be standing by, as we are with Ukraine, not being able to stop him.

Instead, maybe not long from now, I hope, we will be calling Mr. Putin's invasion a fateful error.

  • And the Ukrainian people will be free.



February 3, 2021
'Biden's whole-of-National Security Council China strategy'
'National security adviser Jake Sullivan is personally focused on China as a priority, building capacity across departments and agencies and running processes that break down old silos between foreign and domestic policy.'
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January 31, 2021
'Biden’s Nightmare May Be China'
‘The coming years represent the greatest risks since I began covering U.S.-China relations in the 1980s, partly because Xi is an overconfident, risk-taking bully who believes that the United States is in decline.’
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January 31, 2021
Opinion | Marco Rubio: 'China is exploiting U.S. capital markets and workers. Here's what Biden should do.'
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'Why China Is Cracking Down on Its Technology Giants'
‘Why, you may ask, is China crushing some of its most innovative unicorns? We’re in a new era led by President Xi Jinping, and politics are in command.’
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'The most significant philosophical shift since Deng'
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How China's Middle-Class China is Transforming China and the World
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July 22, 2021
Part 2 | The DiDi VIE (as an example)
‘The prospectus has a diagram, above, of the corporate structure, which looks almost normal. But everything below the double arrow — the actual ride-hailing business, etc. — is slightly askew.’
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July 22, 2021
Part 1 | 'Owning Chinese Companies Is Complicated'
‘ “Variable interest entities”(VIEs): The problem with this is that it sort of sounds like you’re kidding. But this is a standard method for mainland Chinese internet companies to go public, and the market has come to accept it.’
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July 22, 2021
Part 3 | Revising the Rules
‘The Chinese government could declare “all these VIE contracts are actually a disguised form of foreign ownership, which is not allowed by the rules, so they are all void and your Didi and Alibaba shares are worthless.” ’
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July 22, 2021
China: Signals Blinking Red & Oops, We Missed the Risks
I had intended to make this issue all about ‘Variable Interest Entities’ (VIEs) and the emerging risks to about $1.8 trillion dollars’ worth of Chinese shares listed on U.S. exchanges – that is, 4% of the capitalization of the U.S. stock markets.
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July 22, 2021
'Crackdown on US listings: Will China close $1.6tn VIE loophole?'
‘If Chinese authorities start to question “Variable interest entities”(VIEs), amid the crackdown that has already battered ride-hailing company Didi Global -- another VIE user -- the resulting loss of investor trust could send shock waves through global financial markets.’
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July 18, 2021
Why the U.S. Lacks Leverage over China
During the celebration of the Chinese Communist Party’s Centennial celebration, Mr. Xi stood in the same place on the balcony facing Tiananmen Square where Mao Zedong stood when he announced the founding of the PRC; Mr. Xi wore a gray Mao suit, among a sea of blue western suits; and he centered himself right above the portrait of Mao, who is similarly attired.
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July 18, 2021
'I will aim for Mao's Status.'
‘There on the gate was Xi Jinping, Chinese president and party general secretary, in a gray Mao suit. Just below his feet was the portrait of Mao Zedong, also dressed in a gray Mao suit.’
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July 18, 2021
'US warns companies of risk of doing business in Hong Kong'
“In the face of Beijing’s decisions over the past year that have stifled the democratic aspirations of people in Hong Kong, we are taking action,” said Antony Blinken, US secretary of state. “Today we send a clear message that the US resolutely stands with Hong Kongers.”
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July 18, 2021
'Biden’s Warning on Hong Kong'
‘The pretense of Chinese and Hong Kong authorities is that their crackdown on the rule of law and dissent will have no effect on Hong Kong’s viability as an international center for trade and finance.’
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July 18, 2021
'China Plans to Exempt H.K. IPOs From Cybersecurity Reviews'
‘China plans to exempt companies going public in Hong Kong from first seeking the approval of the country’s cybersecurity regulator, removing one hurdle for businesses that list in the Asian financial hub instead of the U.S.’
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July 18, 2021
Hong Kong and the Limits of Decoupling
‘The United States’ inability to make China regret—much less reverse—its transgressions in Hong Kong suggests that financial separation, sanctions, and economic barriers are less reliable tools than many in Washington believe.’
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July 15, 2021
Part 1 | 'Joe Biden is determined that China should not displace America'
‘Biden’s emerging China strategy, while still protean, sounds of a kind with Mr Doshi’s prescription for “blunting and building”.’
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July 15, 2021
The Biden Doctrine and Its Discontents
President Biden has framed China as a threat both to the U.S. and the liberal world order.
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July 15, 2021
Part 2 | Joe Biden is determined that China should not displace America
‘Mr Biden’s aides invariably start any discussion of China strategy with the need to restore American greatness after decades of decline.’
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July 15, 2021
'What's Wrong with Biden’s new China doctrine'
‘Mr Biden’s aides invariably start any discussion of China strategy with the need to restore American greatness after decades of decline.’
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July 8, 2021
Didi: Xi Surprises Us Again
Beijing shocked the financial world when it pulled the rug out from under Didi days after its IPO on the New York Stock Exchange and also announced new regulations reigning in overseas IPOs and Chinese companies already listed.
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July 4, 2021
The Chinese Point of View
Here are a few of my thoughts on the importance of Wang Jisi’s ‘The Plot Against China.’ Yuen Yuen Ang’s ‘The Evolution of Chinese Corruption’ speaks for itself - but note especially how Mr. Xi's anti-corruption campaign could hurt China's economy. I have now lived long enough that when a friend complains about his or her spouse, I say to myself, ‘There are no doubt two sides to this story.’
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July 4, 2021
'How Corruption Powers China's Economy'
‘China has managed to sustain four decades of economic growth despite levels of corruption that even Xi has described as “grave” and “shocking.” Why does it seem to have bucked the trend?’
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July 4, 2021
'How Beijing Sees U.S.-China Relations'
‘In Chinese eyes, the most significant threat to China’s sovereignty and national security has long been U.S. interference in its internal affairs aimed at changing the country’s political system and undermining the CCP.’
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July 1, 2021
Five Themes that Point to Where the Chinese Communist Party & China are Heading
As the Chinese Communist Party begins its second century, it’s useful to identify enduring patterns that might aid us in understanding China today and the directions it might be heading.
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July 1, 2021
From Rebel to Ruler: One Hundred Years of the Chinese Communist Party by Tony Saich
‘In our discussions, you've identified five themes that have been more or less consistent throughout the history of the party but have oscillated between different points on a continuum:’
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July 1, 2021
'From Rebel to Ruler': Tony Saich on Chinese Communism at 100
‘At so many points during its century-long existence, the CCP appeared to be in its death throes, whether as a result of external attack or self-inflicted internal strife.’
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June 27, 2021
European Chamber in China: 'Business Confidence Survey'
A mere 9% of European companies are considering moving any current or planned investment out of China, the lowest level on record. Instead, companies are strengthening their positions in JVs, onshoring supply chains and increasing spending to secure market share. The ambition not only to stay but also to expand their China footprint is more than justcapital flooding in due to optimism about growth. Companies are taking action to secure their operations in China and mitigate exposure to geopolitical trends in order to have a better chance of navigating a future that looks to be fraught with risk, at least in the near- to medium-term.
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June 27, 2021
'How China & America Should Compete'
‘China and the West urgently need a new framework for understanding the state of the world and their place in it. Such a framework must recognize, first and foremost, that properly regulated economic competition is not a zero-sum game.’
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June 27, 2021
'Jimmy Lai & the Death of Free Speech in Hong Kong'
Jimmy Lai’s tabloid, the Apple Daily, with its peculiar blend of scandal, gossip, and serious political reporting, was Hong Kong’s indispensable voice of free speech. Now that voice has been silenced, and Lai is in prison with others who tried to protect the right of Hong Kong’s citizens to speak and write freely, to be ruled by law, and to vote for their own autonomous government. Their politics are diverse Yet they stand together. When freedom is under siege, people cannot afford the narcissism of small differences that is tearing apart liberal politics in countries where people think democracy can be taken for granted.
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June 27, 2021
'European Companies in China: Between Decoupling and Onshoring'
‘Instead of leaving the market, European companies are exploring ways to separate their China operations from their global ones.’ ‘Following the Covid-19 outbreak, European companies in China spent the first few months of 2020 solemnly appraising their investment strategies.’
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June 24, 2021
'Apple Daily closed, but press freedom stays in Hong Kong'
‘Freedom of the press is a good thing. The West's freedom of speech must be consistent with national interests and public security.’
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June 24, 2021
Bitcoin’s growing energy problem: ‘It’s a dirty currency'
“Bitcoin alone consumes as much electricity as a medium-sized European country.”
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June 24, 2021
'China steps up crackdown on bitcoin mining industry'
‘China’s latest intervention places further pressure on what was once one of the world’s most vibrant markets for trading and mining digital currencies.’ ‘It comes at a time when many governments are scrutinising the industry’s effect on the environment and determining the types of financial oversight that should be applied to cryptocurrencies.’
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June 24, 2021
'Congress on China: Then and Now'
‘With the Senate voting on June 8, 2021, to adopt the United States Innovation and Competitiveness Act, it is safe to say that this is the most comprehensive action by Congress on China policy EVER.’ ‘The language of the United States Innovation and Competitiveness Act is about a long-term competition with China as opposed to war with an enemy.’
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